15 November 2010

Retreat Diary - Day 2

I wake up to the sound of life stock. Every time the cows moo I think my phone is vibrating from within my bag, even though I can't get reception out here. You get used to it.

After breakfast me and Jane, the lady who met me at the station, had a chat. We talked for about 20 minutes. I don't remember much about it, but it was good to chat.

She gave me two books to read over the next few days: "The Vein of Gold" by Julia Cameron (she was going to give me "The Artist's Way" but someone else was borrowing it) and "The Work We Were Born to Do" by Nick Williams. They were both pretty fat books so I didn't see myself finishing them in time. The V of G is a very interesting book.

Because there is only me and another guy as retreaters this week they didn't heat all the rooms. Living room 2, Drawing room and the TV room* are snug. While the Hallway, Living room 1 and the chapel are pretty freezing. It's weird going from LR2 to the Kitchen because you have to go through all the coldness.

At the shop they sell home-made chutneys and jams, jewellery, pots and books.

If there is one thing I can say about this place it's the massive amount of books. I cannot express just how many books there is at Mill House. It should be called a reading retreat.

*and yes, TV room wasn't a typo, there really is a telly at the retreat. Don't ask.

1 comment:

  1. Heating in the Television room, no heating in the Chapel - sounds like the priorities are about right then ...
